Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Six Bulls are Well-Spoken

Enam Ekor Lembu yang Pandai Bicara 

One day, Abu Nuwas summoned to the palace by the king Harun Al-Rashid. This time, the king wanted to test the ingenuity of Abu Nuwas. Arriving before the king, Abu Nuwas worshiped. And the king was utter, "Hey...Abu Nuwas, I want a six-bearded bulls eloquent. Can you bring them within a week? If it fails, I'll cut your throat!"

"Well, my Lord. My Lord command dear to me."

All present courtier in the palace, said to himself, "Death to you, Abu Nuwas!"

Abu Nuwas asked permission to go home. Once home, he sat in silence contemplating the king's wishes. All day he did not leave the house, thus making the neighbors wonder. He had left the house just after a week later, the king of the time limit given to him. He was rushed to the crowd, then he said, "Hey..young people, what today is?"

The people who answer correctly will he release. But the people who answer incorrectly will he stand. And apparently, no one answered correctly. No doubt, Abu Nuwas was angry at them, "Just can not get answered. If so, let's see king Harun Al-Rashid to find out the real truth."

The next day, Baghdad palace hall full of people who want to know the ability Abu Nuwas carrying six bearded bulls are well-spoken. Before long, it was seen walking along Abu Nuwas six bearded men.

Up in front of the king, he was sitting with a harness and solemn worship. Then the king said, "Hi..Abu Nuwas, where the bearded bull's well-spoken?"

Needless to say, Abu Nuwas also pointed to the six people who brought it out. "Here they are, my Lord."

"Hi...Abu Nuwas, what you show me that?"

"Yes, my Lord, ask them what day it is."

When the king asked, it turns out that people give different answers. Abu Nuwas then said, "If they were human beings, of course, know what day today. Moreover, if my Lord asked the other day, will they be added dizziness. Humans or animals whether they are? This is a well-spoken bearded bull, my Lord."

The king was surprised to see Abu Nuwas clever escape from the threat of punishment. So, the king also gave the prize money of 5.000 dinars to the Abu Nuwas.


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